BSA issues a charter through the local Council to a Chartered Organization, like the Church or other organization that owns your unit, which allows it to use a BSA program to serve youth in its community. Troop 63 is proudly chartered through Saint Elizabeth's Episcopal Church. During this annual rechartering, all scouts and adult leaders renew their membership to the troop. Below are directions and documents required to register for Troop 63. These forms are REQUIRED for your scout to participate in meetings and outings.
Scout Registration Forms
The following forms and annual registration fee are required each year:
BSA Youth Application Form — General form required by the BSA. Notes regarding this form:
This form is only required for NEW scouts. Returning scouts do NOT need to complete
This form can be digitally signed if you fill it out using the free Adobe Acrobat Reader
Annual Permission Form — Annual permission form signed by legal parent or guardian
Medical Form Parts A and B — Medical form required prior to attending any BSA event (A document explaining the health forms can be found here: Health Form FAQ)
Health Insurance — A photo of your scout's health insurance card (front and back).
Details regarding when these forms are due are sent through our weekly troop newsletter. If you have questions about the forms, please contact our Registration Chair.
Parent Chaperones and Adult Leaders
There are several requirements to become a registered adult troop leader, committee member, or merit badge counselor:
BSA Adult Application Form – This form is required by Mayflower Council to become an Assistant Scoutmaster, Committee Member, or Merit Badge Counselor. This form must be downloaded, hand completed, scanned and uploaded back to the troop.
Background Check — Scouts BSA requires CORI forms on file for all adult leaders. There are two documents. Both links will take you to mayflowerbsa.eversign.com allowing you to complete this online. You will be prompted to fill in your name and email address and then you will receive an email from the council directing you on next steps.
BSA Scouts CORI Form – Complete online at Mayflower Council:
https://mayflowerbsa.eversign.com/embedded/947a0639aedd49649911170707088b7c -
Additional Disclosure and Background Authorization Form:
https://mayflowerbsa.eversign.com/embedded/42374f0ec049489386e4f7f527d499e2 -
C-ICORI Form for Saint Elizabeth's Episcopal Church – To work with scouts on site, all adult leader's are required to also be CORIed through the Episcopal Church.
Youth Protection Training — All parents that attend any BSA-sponsored event are required to complete Youth Protection Training. There is a wealth of information on this training here, and you may also take the course online at my.scouting.org.
Driver's License – A color copy of your driver's license (front and back) to maintain on file for Mayflower Council activities such as Summer Camp.
Chaperones and Drivers — Parent Chaperones that wish to attend events will need to fill out the annual Driver Form.
Medical Forms — Adults are required to have Medical Form Parts A and B on file with the troop.
Health Insurance — A photocopy of your health insurance card (front and back).
Merit Badge Counselor Application — Please follow the instructions from Mayflower Council on how to become a merit badge counselor for Troop 63.
Attach completed forms below and provide payment for annual registration.